An alarm is sounding. A deep, loving and primal intelligence is being broadcast from the core of Mother Earth, inspiring us to re-dream our world anew. The depths of the human spirit is blossoming and awakening from a long slumber. Yet many continue to hit the snooze button. This is the dichotomy we face as the seduction of our modern culture collides with the deeper yearnings of the intuitive heart. Do we have the courage to answer the calling of our hearts and become peaceful stewards for the planet? Or do we continue to consume, pollute and destroy our home through our addiction to being asleep and unconscious of our creations? Do we receive the parameters for our experience from the immaturity of our culture or do we broadcast our divinity from our hearts and project out to inspire others to do the same?
We are engaged in the process of ascension. Ascension is a term that describes the maturation of consciousness as we channel our primal energies (Kundalini) up the spinal column to awaken and empower the higher capacities of our divinity. This is occurring both on a deeply personal level within our own bodies and on a collective level with the diverse lifeforms and energy systems of the planet. It’s a process of birth and initiation. Ultimately, to qualify as a steward we must each journey inward to explore our darkness and deepest fears in order to know the true brilliance of our light.
Luckily, we are not alone on this inner journey. We are surrounded by support. Each of us is interconnected through a quantum web of intelligence, a living library that responds and molds to our intentions. As we awaken and ascend, call out to that vast intelligence. Connect to your ancestors, your guides, your totems, the spiritual masters, the heavenly bodies of the sun, moon, planets and stars. Immerse yourself in nature, listen and receive the teachings of the plants, animals, insects and elementals. Harmonize and heal. Trust your body and give it proper rest, nourishment and exercise. Seek out qualified teachers and healers that can help you when your karma intensifies. Remember, we are all in this together.
A very potent New Moon arrives this Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at 5:30AM CDT. New Moons are opportunities to reset our internal compass and set clear intentions for positive change. Create a sacred space free of distractions. Be present and ground through some deep breathing. With sincere willingness, examine your life and take responsibility for your reality. Identify your power leaks, your ambivalence, your limited thinking and beliefs and your addictions. Then shift your identification to your inner essence, the Spirit within. This is easiest done by focusing on the heart chakra and coming into resonance with gratitude and appreciation for life. Chanting or singing several I AMs also efficiently opens this portal. From that place of essence, invoke your allies and support system and direct the energy to appropriately destroy the patterns and stuck energies of your karma. Do not rush this process, stay vigilant and be thorough.
Once complete, direct your essence and your allies to fill you with vast abundance, creative light, happiness, playful expansion and coherent intelligence. This is the essence of who you are. You are worthy; receive and accept your birthright! Once you feel complete with this process thank your allies and helpers. Then get practical. Write down and make an action plan of mundane tasks that further demonstrates your commitment to anchor and live an awake and empowered life. Be ruthless with any and all interference patterns that arise as you embark to manifest these tasks. Follow through until you complete them all.
Tammy and I commend you on the courage and willingness to evolve yourself and this beautiful world. May every moment be a powerful blessing and inspiration to all. Please do reach out if you need assistance, insight and/or healing. We would be honored to be of service.
1 comment:
Beautiful post. Amazing times. Thank you for sharing.
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