We can come into rhythm with nature by observing its cycles and applying its symbolism to our lives. Solstices and equinoxes, new and full moons, are symbolically rich and potent times for setting intentions and coming into balance and harmony with nature. By doing so we are able to utilize nature's energy toward consciously manifesting reality.
The Autumn Equinox is a balance point, a pregnant pause where the light (day) and dark (night) are of equal duration. In Western astrology, the Autumn Equinox marks the entry into the sign of Libra whose symbol is the scales of life. This a powerful time to weigh the differing qualities of one's life to invite balance and wholeness. The Equinox is also the threshold between the expansive and externally oriented summer to autumn, where nature releases and begins to turn within.
On September 22nd or 23rd, set aside some time to honor and work with the Equinox and Harvest moon with the following practice:
Take stock of what you’ve been putting energy into creating, consciously or unconsciously, over the spring and summer cycle. Is anything now ripe for harvesting? Sometimes it’s easy to get so caught up in the work of growing that we neglect the harvest. Take a moment to acknowledge your good work and experience its benefits, receive the fruits of your labor with gratitude.
The time of the harvest not only includes the work of reaping, it also includes decisions about how to best utilize the newly available resources of your harvest. Take an inventory of the internal and external resources that are best utilized now and what can and should be prepared and stored (for the winter months ahead).
Next, consider what is ready to be released-- old ways of thinking or reacting, habits, relationships, career choices, health issues? Visualize yourself gathering, like the remnants of a garden or autumn leaves, those things you are ready and willing to release. Imagine placing them into a compost bin or a fire. With gratitude, ask the Earth or the fire to transform them, freeing up the energy to put toward the new. Better yet, if you have the opportunity, write the items down on a piece of paper and compost or burn them in your own little ritual of release.
Finally, allow yourself to resonate with and experience gratitude for several minutes or more. Count your blessings, be grateful for nature and her symbolism guiding the way, be grateful for all you’ve sown, grown, harvested, learned, released and healed and for all the creative potential that lies ahead in the coming cycle. Allow this gratitude to open and fan the flames of your heart. With an open heart, contemplate, receive or experience your heart’s truest desires, the seeds to be planted in the coming cycle. The heart’s desires are different from the personality’s desires, they stem from the higher-self, a place of source and essence. Through intending to create the heart's desires we co-create with spirit. The result is a more beautiful, harmonious, joy-filled reality that contributes to the greater good of all.
May your harvest be abundant and your heart dream well!