I'll have to admit that attempting this meditation at this particular time, tapping into a frequency of peace, is proving to be quite challenging for me. It's giving me the opportunity to become aware of how easily I can be impacted by the collective consciousness and its current fearful state. Since we started the meditation, election politics has been ramping up, the U.S. financial system has taken a dramatic turn for the worse, the global economy seems to be in a downward spiral, the news is seemingly constant, unavoidable, and overwhelming. I've found myself easily distracted from taking the daily self-care actions necessary to help stay in a mentally and emotionally healthy/stable place. However, I recognize that in times like this my commitment to such discipline is of utmost importance. In fact, it's nearly impossible to do a meditation for Peace without attending to my psycho-spiritual hygiene, so to speak. So, my next few posts will be around techniques to help stay centered and stable amongst external instability.
One that has been particularly helpful for me this week is grounding. Last year, while laying on a huge stone in the Andes mountains, I was struck with the realization that the Earth is incredibly generous, the most powerful of Curranderas (healers). She is willing to receive and has the ability to transmute negativity.
This exercise can be done in just a few minutes. Stand, sit or lay on the Earth. Acknowledge her, thank her for her beauty, power, abundance and blessings, then ask her to soak up any negativity and fear that you may have taken on from others and from the news. Continue by asking her to receive and transmute any of your own fears. Allow it all to drain from you. Next, send your energy into her, rooting deeply into her like a tree. Ask her to ground you and keep you safe. Allow yourself to feel safe, connected, grounded, and unburdened. Allow these feeling to take root and grow strong. When you feel finished and stable, thank the Earth for her generosity. May we be blessed with great capacity for such generosity.
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