Saturday, September 13, 2008

What were we doing?

The best way I can describe what we've been studying, well, it's like a comparative pre-religious studies course. Our teachers have studied the beliefs held by ancient and indigenous cultures around the world and have distilled their overlapping themes and universal truths. The program was experiential, exploring these themes and many supporting practices employed by these cultures through quarterly "high-adventure" travel in the U.S, Mexico and Peru, with daily practice in-between.

The ancient, shamanic-based universal truths and practices are the sparks that ignited the flames of religion, so to speak. To scrape the surface, they include: freedom, love, truth, energy, gratitude, cultivating power, self-awareness, wakefulness, responsibility, intentionality, willingness, creativity, dreaming, living from the heart, living in recognition of our inherent oneness with humanity, spirit & nature, alignment with a higher power/source, healing, prayer, ceremony, and community.

Additionally, we took advantage of being in Santa Fe to delve more deeply into studying the Person Essence Personality Model (the Michael Teachings), which Deva had been sharing with a study group prior to leaving Austin.

Deva will share his experience here in his own way, but I suppose I'll continue by exploring the topics mentioned above. I'll probably also share some of the more exciting adventure experiences, too.


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