Shamanic Healing really works on the psycho-spiritual aspect that's at the source of whatever is causing symptoms, rather than treating symptoms themselves. So, something like acute or chronic pain may or may not be relieved during a session, depending on where the person is in their process and if they're in the right space to release or shift whatever is at the source of the pain. Often, you might get insight into the source of the pain, which you then work on over time to heal. For instance, I have Celiac Disease/ gluten intolerance, which I have discovered, for me personally, has to do with a combination of setting appropriate boundaries, claiming/using my personal power and learning to receive and be nourished (worthiness). It is taking me several years to sort through this because apparently I have a lot to learn from it. It's been a growth inducing experience and I am much healthier and stronger than I was since I began working with Shamanic Medicine to help heal the issue, although there is more work to do. This one is like peeling an onion and sometimes that's how it goes. That said, sometimes spontaneous healing occurs & is fully possible, I've seen it happen & have personally experienced immediate relief from things like migraines. Following is my recent attempt to explain Shamanic Healing. See if it resonates with your wife as far as a treatment goes. We would love to help if she is open to this approach.
Shamanic healing strives to create and preserve inner and outer balance and harmony and can be applied to the individual, community, nature, the world at large and beyond.
Shamanic medicine is a tradition dating back some 25,000 years. In simple terms, the basic perspective shamanic healing assumes is that external reality, the material world, is a symbolic manifestation of the inner world, also referred to as consciousness or spirit. Furthermore, everything that exists is consciousness, is vibration, is energy, is imbued with it's own innate intelligence and unique gifts, often referred to as medicine. Simultaneously, everything that exists is interconnected, forming a web of life where even the smallest, most individuated part influences the whole and vice versa.
In this web of life, human consciousness is uniquely individuated with capacity for abstraction, reflection, memory and other complex physical, emotion and thought processes. As we mature, our essential nature often becomes clouded or distorted by our individual life experiences, familial and cultural imprinting. These internal distortions of our essential nature tend to manifest as physical health issues, mental or emotional suffering.
Shamanic practitioners work with a variety of tools and techniques to identify and address the obstacles, imbalances and distortions at the core of suffering, with healing intent to restore one to their fullest expression of essential truth and authentic power. A Shamanic Healing session typically lasts from 1/2 an hour to an hour and may include the use of song and other sound instruments to move and transform energy, shamanic prayer (co-creative direction of the spirit world, also referred to the quantum field of consciousness), plant, herb, mineral and animal spirit medicine, visualization, soul retrieval, extraction, hands on healing or physical body manipulation.