Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Significance of a 40 Day Discipline

We live in a world of endless diversity and global complexity, creating an often frenetic pace of life that is hard to maintain. Often there are a myriad of problems and challenges awaiting to be solved in our environments. Yet, all too often, we attempt to solve these problems by focusing on external results and by creating strategies from the past. As Einstein so clearly informed us, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". To empower ourselves and transcend our fears, problems and challenges we must instead focus on internal results (our state of consciousness) and with intuitive intelligence (instead of relying 100% on the conditioned, rational mind).

How can this be attained? We must embark upon a discipline of the mind in order to shift our most fundamental dysfunctional habits. Interestingly enough modern day psychologists and the ancient mystics agree on the time this takes, roughly 40 days. In the ancient Christian texts, it was represented by Jesus' initiation of fasting in the desert for 40 days and nights, a time for purification, focus and commitment. In the yogic tradition, 40 days of meditation brings about specific results (depending on the meditation) while erasing and transforming old programming.

For example, say you wish to stop smoking. You've been smoking for 10 years, so you have 10 years of accumulated energy behind that particular habit. You go cold turkey but in the days and weeks to come the temptation is great and you succumb to smoking once again. Obviously, the scales are tipped in the favor of the old habit/pattern re-asserting itself as it has 10 years of habitual energy behind it. This is where a spiritual technology, like meditation, comes into play. If, after going cold turkey, one also commits to a powerful 40 day meditation, then the power and energy released from the meditation can equal and often exceeds the energy behind the previous 10 years.

Why? Because all 'true' change must come about through a fundamental change in consciousness, which is the essence of meditation. Meditation addresses the internal and intuitive faculties for problem solving that so many people on Earth are oblivious to. In essence, a 40 day meditation discipline is a primer for evolving one's state of consciousness. Such a discipline can be applied to any number of issues that often plague people:

Physical Healing
Emotional Imbalance
Lack of Abundance & Prosperity
Enhanced Intuition, Intelligence & Clarity
Protection and Appropriate Boundaries
Transforming Relationships

In future posts on BroadcastSol we will delve into different practices for various issues that prevent us from living a heart centered life. Keep posted.

Truth, love & energy,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What were we doing?

The best way I can describe what we've been studying, well, it's like a comparative pre-religious studies course. Our teachers have studied the beliefs held by ancient and indigenous cultures around the world and have distilled their overlapping themes and universal truths. The program was experiential, exploring these themes and many supporting practices employed by these cultures through quarterly "high-adventure" travel in the U.S, Mexico and Peru, with daily practice in-between.

The ancient, shamanic-based universal truths and practices are the sparks that ignited the flames of religion, so to speak. To scrape the surface, they include: freedom, love, truth, energy, gratitude, cultivating power, self-awareness, wakefulness, responsibility, intentionality, willingness, creativity, dreaming, living from the heart, living in recognition of our inherent oneness with humanity, spirit & nature, alignment with a higher power/source, healing, prayer, ceremony, and community.

Additionally, we took advantage of being in Santa Fe to delve more deeply into studying the Person Essence Personality Model (the Michael Teachings), which Deva had been sharing with a study group prior to leaving Austin.

Deva will share his experience here in his own way, but I suppose I'll continue by exploring the topics mentioned above. I'll probably also share some of the more exciting adventure experiences, too.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The 2-year Program & Moving Forward

Two years ago, Deva and I left Austin and moved to Santa Fe to do a two-year shamanic studies intensive, "the 2 year program", which we completed just a couple of weeks ago. The experience was the most (pro-actively) challenging and rewarding of my life so far. Because many of you have expressed curiosity about our adventures and what we've been learning we've decided to devote a series of posts to the subject. An ongoing challenge has been how to share our experiences without diminishing the energy or potency we've gained from them. So, we'll likely leave out details and stick to the broad picture.

A friend of mine recently commented that modern culture is so enamored by it's technological creativity that it has lost, and completely underestimates, the natural knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors. I agree and at the same time it's interesting that we find ourselves in a time where modern technology gives us unprecedented opportunity to travel, explore, reconnect with and share ancient wisdom and practices (via blog, no less).

Now that the program is over, I am extremely excited about having the time and inspiration to connect with you through BroadcastSol. It is my intention to utilize technology to cultivate community and create opportunities for us all to share, connect, explore, and grow together in spirit. It'll be fun to see how the site, our work, and our community evolves.

Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Welcome to the BroadcastSol blog. We look forward to keeping you posted on what is happening with us and in our growing community.